Order Book

Today’s largest DEXs (Uniswap, PancakeSwap) operate using AMM, which determines the price of a token based on the proportion of tokens in the liquidity pool. AMM has crucial disadvantages — you can’t provide a price other than the market price; and you must provide liquidity to both sides of a pool.

Flexdefi's automated decentralized on-chain limit order books (Flexdefi Exchange) will allow users to submit orders with the freedom and control of a centralized exchange. This allows entirely new forms of trading and allows market makers to participate, which has not been possible on popular BSC exchanges such as PancakeSwap. We will extend the protocol to allow cross-chain swaps using our FlexDefi Logic.

We will first launch an AMM powered FDE (FlexDefi Swap) to provide utility and rewards to early adopters and will release Flexdefi Exchange Q4 2022. Adoption of FlexDefi Exchange will be incentivized with low relative fees and referral bonuses on trades.

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